교회 소식

코로나-19 소식 (COVID-19 Update) 보리스 존슨 영국 총리가 뉴질랜드 간호사 에게 감사 인사를 전했습니다

웰링턴 한인교회 2020. 4. 13. 11:36

보리스 존슨 총리는 코로나-19(COVID-19) 으로 병세가 악화되어 중환자실 입원해 있다가 퇴원하였습니다.

자신의 생명을 구해준 모든 의료진에게 감사의 인사를 전하며 특별히 자신을 가장 가까이서 돌봐준 간호사들을 언급했습니다. 그 중에 뉴질랜드 인버카길(Invercargill)에서 온 간호사 제니(Jenny)에게 특별히 감사 인사를 전했습니다.

뉴질랜드 총리 제신더 아던(Jacinda Ardern)도 간호사 제니에게 감사하다는 인사를 전했습니다. 간호일로 바쁜것을 고려해 페이스북 메신저를 통해 조용히 감사하다는 말을 전했다고 했습니다.







Coronavirus Covid 19: British PM Boris Johnson thanks Kiwi nurse Jenny McGee, NHS for saving his life

British PM thanks 'Jenny from Invercargill' and others for saving his life 'no question'.





Covid 19 coronavirus: Kiwi nurse Jenny McGee who helped keep Boris Johnson alive was 'just doing her job', family says

She's a nurse from the bottom of the world. Now reporters are crowded at her doorstep.





British PM Boris Johnson thanks Kiwi nurse

British PM Boris Johnson thanks Kiwi nurse Jenny McGhee, NHS for saving his life. Video / Boris Johnson





Covid 19 coronavirus: Kiwi nurse Jenny McGee 'overwhelmed' after British PM Boris Johnson credited her skills for saving his lif

'Overwhelmed' Kiwi nurse credited with saving British PM's life is already back on job.





Covid 19 coronavirus: Family of Kiwi nurse who helped save British PM Boris Johnson 'overwhelmed' by reaction

The proud family of an Invercargill-born nurse says she was just doing her job.





Coronavirus: Family 'proud' after British PM Boris Johnson thanks Kiwi nurse for helping save his life

She treated UK PM Boris Johnson when it "could have gone either way". Her mum is "absolutely astounded and exceptionally proud" of her daughter.





Coronavirus: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has thanked nurse Jenny via Facebook Messenger

Jacinda Ardern has sent a personal message to the Kiwi nurse who helped treat UK PM Boris Johnson.





The other Nurse Jenny: Kiwi cared for UK's most famous prime minister 60 years ago

Boris Johnson's Kiwi nurse isn't the first New Zealander named Jenny to care for a British prime minister.
